Find a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas
As a new or experienced motorcycle rider, you may already know that accidents can be unavoidable. It is essential to know basic Nevada motorcycle safety rules and requirements before getting on a bike. It is also crucial to understand how to dress for success on the road, including wearing proper protective gear. You will also want to know the statistics on motorcycle safety so you can make informed decisions about where to ride.
Most importantly, you will want to know the name and contact details of a motorcycle accident attorney in Las Vegas. Knowing who to call if something bad happens when you are out cruising can save you time and heartache later.
To help keep you up to speed on the most current information on vehicle safety, we’ll share some Las Vegas motorcycle safety information with you below.
Worried About Motorcycle Safety? Here’s a Crash Course on the Facts
According to the most recent data for motorcycle fatalities, motorcycle crash deaths represented 14% of all traffic accident fatalities. In 2019, there were 5,014 motorcycle deaths across the U.S.
It may surprise you to learn that 27 states do not currently have mandatory, universal helmet laws. Those states represented a higher proportion of motorcycle fatalities than states with mandatory helmet laws.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Head injuries are the most common cause of death for motorcycle accident victims. In fact, using a helmet that is appropriately fitted and rated for motorcycle use is correlated with increased survival in motorcycle crashes. But even with appropriate helmet use, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle riders represent a large proportion of motor vehicle accident fatalities.
If you are the victim of a motorcycle accident, be sure to speak with the best motorcycle accident attorney in Las Vegas that you can find. Look no further than Morris Injury Law. When you need a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, we can help.
Top Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents In Nevada
Most motorcycle crash accident lawyers in Las Vegas would agree that there is no one cause of motorcycle crashes. Causes of crashes vary case by case, and according to the NHTSA, can often involve stationary objects. However, there are some common causes of accidents that most motorcycle accident attorneys in Las Vegas have seen. These include:
- Drivers who fail to yield or stop for motorcyclists,
- Sleep-deprived drivers,
- Intoxicated drivers or motorcyclists,
- Hidden stationary objects in the path of motorcyclists,
- Drivers who pass each other or motorcyclists illegally, and
- Poorly marked or incomplete roadworks.
Accidents involving motorcycles are different from accidents involving passenger cars or light trucks. Nevada has specialized traffic rules that apply to the operation of motorcycles. You will need a skilled lawyer with experience navigating motorcycle accident and injury cases to help you file your claims. Contact Morris Injury Law if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident. Scott D. Morris is an experienced and knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney in Las Vegas who can help you recover both physically and monetarily from your motorcycle crash.
Most Common Types Of Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Because motorcycles are not enclosed vehicles like cars or trucks, even a minor accident can cause severe bodily harm. Some injuries you might face after a motorcycle accident could include:
- Head and neck injuries;
- Nerve and neurological damage;
- Broken bones, fractures, and sprains;
- Severe cuts, bruises, and lacerations;
- Skin damage (often known as “road rash”);
- Organ damage;
- Torn ligaments;
- Damaged joints;
- Brain damage and traumatic brain injuries; and
- Death.
After a motorcycle accident, you may have injuries that are immediately apparent. You may need surgery and have massive medical expenses. Unfortunately, you may also have internal injuries that take weeks or even months to appear. A Las Vegas motorcycle injury attorney can evaluate your case and determine your next steps. Contact our experienced legal team at Morris Injury Law today.
Dangerous Motorcycle Types
When thinking about motorcycle injuries, not all motorcycles are created equal. It is true that much of your safety on a motorcycle comes from actions taken by you, the rider. Doing things like wearing an appropriate and properly fitted helmet and proper protective gear can reduce much of your risk. Traveling on known roads at the speed limit also reduces risk. But many riders do not understand that their choice of bike also impacts their safety on the road. Many motorcycle accident lawyers in Las Vegas will confirm that bike type makes a big difference when evaluating motorcycle crash safety.
Street bikes
Street bikes are also known as sport bikes. They are known for their high speeds and large, loud engines. These bikes can be extremely dangerous, especially for inexperienced riders. Regardless of the size of the engine on the motorcycle, many street or sport bikes are capable of achieving speeds of over 200 miles per hour—without any modifications. While traveling at that rate of speed might be relatively safe for a professional on an enclosed track, it is generally not appropriate for the average driver. And it is certainly not appropriate on public roads.
Traveling at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour also means more opportunities to lose control of the bike. This is especially problematic because sport bikes tend to attract buyers under age 30. Unfortunately, according to the NHTSA, motorcyclists under age 30 comprised over half of the fatalities involving sport bikes in the last five years.
Cruiser bikes
When you think of a motorcycle in America, you’re probably thinking of a cruiser-style bike. A cruiser is your classic Harley-Davidson bike just begging to be taken out on the open road. Cruisers make up over half of all motorcycle sales. By simple arithmetic, since there are more cruisers on the road than any other style of bike, it is inevitable that more accidents will involve them.
Cruiser culture may contribute to the danger. While the classic Harley style is an iconic part of American culture, this type of bike comes with a few not-so-obvious risks. Cruiser riders, especially those newer to riding motorcycles, may be more interested in style than safety. In those cases, they may choose less-safe helmets, ill-fitting helmets, or opt to forgo helmets entirely. Cruisers also have a leaned-back seat, forcing a riding style that often bedevils newer riders and can throw them off-balance. Add these things together, and you can have a recipe for disaster.
“Retro” bikes
Retro or older motorcycles, motorcycle building kits, and other customizable options are stripped-down motorcycles that can offer a rider a chance to ride a unique creation. These premium custom options at a discount price make “retro” and “kit” bikes popular among riders of all ages and experience levels. But not all bike owners are competent mechanics. These modifications to their motorcycles may make them unsafe to drive.
Touring bikes
Touring bikes are designed to accommodate motorcyclists on long rides. They are designed to be heavier, with some of the more practical, car-like accessories that do not feature on other types of motorcycles. Some touring bikes are even equipped for on- and off-road situations.
While these bikes and their riders do not usually travel at very high speeds, tourers are likely to be on the road for longer periods of time. Touring bikes are also typically twice the weight of the average sport bike. This is a benefit for withstanding harsh road conditions on long drives, but the additional bulk can make touring motorcycles harder to control.
Touring bikes are typically enjoyed by older riders. While this means the riders usually do have motorcycle experience, unfortunately, it also means that the riders may be slower to react to an emergency. In one study by the International Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 64% of fatalities that involved a touring motorcycle also involved a rider over the age of 50.
Dirt bikes
Dirt bikes are designed for taking jumps and riding off-road courses and trails. Like sport and street bikes, these bikes are favored by younger riders. Usually, young and inexperienced riders enjoy dirt bikes for their speed. Many also like the off-roading component as well.
In this case, it isn’t so much the bike itself that is dangerous, but the way it is used. Dirt bikes are at home along narrow dirt tracks up in the mountains or on twisting courses with jumps and moguls. Combined with the rough, sometimes uneven terrain and a top speed of over 100 miles per hour, it’s no wonder dirt bikes are dangerous.
Dirt biking carries the same risks as other off-road activities. You may become injured and be unable to call for help due to low or no cell phone or GPS signal. It may take emergency personnel a long time to arrive.
Motorcycle accidents tend to involve more serious injuries to begin with since the rider is more exposed than in a car. As a result, prompt medical treatment can be the difference between recovery or significant long-term injuries.
What You Need to Know About Nevada’s Motorcycle Accident and Personal Injury Laws
Statute Of Limitations
If you have been injured in a motorcycle crash, a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas will help you understand what you need to know about filing a claim for compensation. Scott D. Morris and the Morris Injury Law team have extensive knowledge of the motorcycle claims process. Getting in touch with a Las Vegas motorcycle injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident is particularly important because of Nevada’s statute of limitations. Even the best motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas only has two years from the date of the accident to file your claim for personal injury damages with the court. If your property was also damaged in the crash, you have three years to file those claims.
After a motorcycle accident, if you file your claims in a timely manner, you can win compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages could include:
- Reimbursement of medical expenses,
- Lost wages,
- Payment for costs of physical rehabilitation,
- Payment for property damage,
- Payment or reimbursement for costs to modify home or workplace to accommodate injury,
- Covering costs for training for a new career, and
- Payment for future lost wages.
In short, economic damages are those easy to put a price on because they tend to be tangible losses that can be quantified like bills, receipts, and estimates.
Non-economic damages are a little different because they tend to be more subjective. Also known as general damages, non-economic damages often include:
- Pain and suffering,
- Mental distress, and
- Loss of enjoyment of life.
Speak with Scott D. Morris and the Morris Injury Law team to discuss your case. Having some of the best motorcycle accident attorneys in Las Vegas on your side can help you get the confidence you need to succeed when you’ve been victimized by a negligent driver.
Injured in a Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident? Call us today!
The Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers at Morris Injury Law have a distinguished history of representing motorcycle accident victims like you. During that time, we’ve helped many clients recover millions of dollars in settlements. Contact us online for a free case review.